
How to Apply for Work Permit for Students, How Much They Can Earn and What is Required to Obtain the Work Permit and How to Settle After Graduation in Netherlands – A Complete Guide

The students who turn to abroad for higher studies particularly those who are from the developing countries or under developed countries, they do seek work permit for students. And before departing to abroad and applying to the universities, they check the work authorization in the country they have planned to study. There is absolutely no denying in mentioning that the students are allowed to do work while their study lasts and they can do the jobs (for specific hours according to the rules of every country) under the work permit issued to them. This is undoubtedly a kind of ease and peace of mind for the students who can earn the expenditures for their living expense during their studies. Talking about Netherlands, ‘yes’ they students are allowed to work during their studies last. Let’s discuss it in more details.

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Details about Work Permit for Students and Work Authorization Needed to Continue with the Job

Students are allowed to work while studying in the Netherlands, but are restrictions for non-EU/EEA and Swiss nationals and even to Croatian nationals, who are allowed to only work up to 10 hours per week round the year or fulltime in seasonal work i.e. in June, July and August only. For up to date information regarding the exact working hours, students can contact the home office of the Netherlands or ask their university representative who deal with international students. Some sources say that the international students who are admitted to the universities and colleges in the Netherlands as fulltime students can work maximum 16 hours per week (as part time), and can do fulltime in June, July and August according to the laws for the work permit for students.

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If you have a Blue Card or EU Blue Card (as usually it is termed), then you will enjoy multiple benefits such as:

  • You may travel freely within EU countries.
  • You can get the same work rights and travel conditions as the citizens of the EU countries have.
  • You can bring your family members with ease.
  • You can get permanent residency rights.
  • You are awarded with the similar access to the social programs as citizens including travel, education and healthcare.
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But the students are not conferred with blue card, they can apply for it after completion of their education in the Netherlands and even in entire Europe wherever they complete their studies.

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There is also working holiday visa, an international applicant may lodge their application for. But this visa is not for the students.

In order to get a work visa for the students, who like to do part time or even fulltime job (during holidays period as mentioned in above lines), the students need an employer and on his or her behalf the work permit will be issued on student’s name. Remember, the work permit for students is only issued if you have a valid residence permit in Netherlands. If you are a student, you will easy have it through the help of your university to live in the country.

How Much an International Student Can Earn in Netherlands During Study Period?

Well, it is your luck if you find a good employer who pays you a good and handsome salary. Sometimes, university can also provide the job as part time on campus to international students. You may check with the career section of your university for the same. Normally, an international student can earn 6 to 10 Euros in the Netherlands during study as part time. When you do fulltime job during the holiday season, the earnings will automatically increase.

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Importance of Dutch Language and Familiarity with the Job Market in the Netherlands

If you have good knowledge of the local language i.e. Dutch and you are familiar with the local job market, the chances are bright to get good employment during the study and after completion of the studies. It is suggested to learn the language if you like to do good job during your studies and have plan to settle in the Netherlands post your studies.

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Can International Students Bring Their Family?

Yes, they can bring their family (dependents such as spouse and kids). For details, the students should contact the university’s international office or home office of the Netherlands for the procedure.

Is the Spouse of an International Student Allowed to Work in Netherlands?

According to Dutch immigration service, if your spouse in the Netherlands is not a Dutch citizen, but has a valid residence permit, he or she will have the same rights as the partner has. If the partner has TWV to work, then the spouse will also need a TWV to seek employment in the Netherlands.

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Can You Live and Stay in the Netherlands after Your Graduation?

Based on your student visa, once you study period ends you are no longer allowed to stay and live in the Netherlands. If you like to stay and live in the country after the graduation, you may apply for an orientation year permit.

Orientation Permit for Students

Remember, you need a work authorization whatever job you do in the Netherlands.  For an orientation permit for students, if you are graduated with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree and this degree you have earned from a Dutch university, you have the option to apply for an orientation year residence permit within three years after graduation. This allows the student to live in the country for an additional year to look for work. During this time period, you are allowed to work without a work permit and without any kind of restrictions (you are free on the Dutch labor market).

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More Details on Orientation Permit for Students

Talking more detailed about work permit for students, this one called ‘orientation residence permit’ is also like a work permit for international students, who like to extend their stay in the Netherlands after the graduation. You may also obtain one-year orientation permit if you have:

  • Obtained a doctorate (PhD) degree in the Netherlands lasting minimum 12 months.
  • Been conferred with a PhD or Master’s degree of minimum duration of 12 months at a foreign institution ranked by specific accreditation program.
  • A Dutch residence permit as a scientific researcher or you have done a job or worked as a scientific researcher on a highly skilled migrant residence permit.
  • Completed the Dutch development aid policy program, a program under the law of specific culture policy or Erasmus Mundus Master’s program.

Note: Once the orientation year ends, if you like to stay in the country or work in the Netherlands, you could or could not need a work permit. It will depend on the type of work you will be awarded there. If you start working as a highly skilled worker or scientific researcher, you will then be in no need of obtaining a separate work permit but only a residence permit will be needed with work authorization. On the contrary, if you start working as a regular employee, your employer will file a work permit application for you and get it on your name.

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Work Permit for Students as Scientific Researchers

If a recognized research institute take you on board into a research program and you have an apt qualification for the university’s doctoral program, the institute will apply for a residence permit for you for scientific research on your behalf, thus you will not need to get a separate work permit then. This residence permit will be issued with the authorization to work. These residence permits are issued for the duration of maximum five years and are extendable.

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Work Permit Processing Time

Work permit for students’ processing time varies. You should contact to the home office of the Netherlands or should contact the international office of the university for this. Besides, your employer too can guide you in this regard. But for students MVV, it takes approximately 60 to 90 days to process the MVV and residence permits.

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