
Scholarships for PhD Programs

DAAD Offers GRADE Completion Scholarships in Germany at Goethe University

DAAD Offers GRADE Completion Scholarships in Germany at Goethe University

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Doctoral candidates should now get ready to witness the best research opportunity available in Germany. The Goethe University Frankfurt has launched the GRADE Completion Scholarships, under which the applications are now open. As far as the Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE) is concerned, it is the central platform available for all early career researchers at Goethe University. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Stiftung zur Förderung der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Beziehungen der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität sponsor the GRADE Completion Scholarships in Germany that supports international doctoral candidates who are in the final stages of their doctoral thesis at none other than the most popular and renowned Goethe University. (more...
Aga Khan Foundation’s International Scholarship Programme for Postgraduate Studies (Attractive Funding)

Aga Khan Foundation’s International Scholarship Programme for Postgraduate Studies (Attractive Funding)

Scholarships, Scholarships for Masters Programs, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Students interested in receiving funding or scholarships know about the Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship conferred to eligible students for their study goals. The organization has been quite functional for education and thus has been offering scholarships for a long time. The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is committed and dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of those in need, mainly in the regions of Africa and Asia, irrespective of their faith, origin, or gender. The organization works in more than 30 countries in the world. It presently operates more than 1000 programs and institutions, many of them dating back more than 60 years and some over 100 years. At present (according to the current online records), AKDN employs around 96,000 people, the majority of the staff is based ...
Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship for Masters and Doctorate Degrees

Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship for Masters and Doctorate Degrees

Scholarships, Scholarships for Masters Programs, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Have you ever thought of studying in Australia? Has it been your passion to study in the beautiful land of kangaroos? If so, there is a giant opportunity waiting for you there. You must be aware of the Australian Government Scholarship Scheme offered to both domestic and international students for which the students take special interest in applying. The Department of Education of the Australian Government offers this scholarship scheme. The Australian Government RTP Scholarship is pleased to announce this mammoth opportunity for students wishing to pursue a research degree in Australia. As far as the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) is concerned, it supports HEPs (Higher Education Providers) to offer research degrees to interested students. If you are interested in av...
Commonwealth Split-Site PhD Scholarships (Fully Funded) – Study at the UK Universities

Commonwealth Split-Site PhD Scholarships (Fully Funded) – Study at the UK Universities

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
For PhD seekers candidates who also would like to get funding for their PhD degree, there is a fully funded scholarship opportunity available in the UK. The opportunity in question is offered none other than by the Commonwealth. The available scholarship for the PhD programs to be conducted in the UK is the Commonwealth Split-Site PhD Scholarships, which are available for candidates from low and middle-income countries. Under the opportunity, the students can conduct research at a university in the United Kingdom for 12 months. Let’s now check out the complete details next in the article. (more…)
University of Memphis Van Vleet Memorial Doctoral Award (Higher Funding) in the USA

University of Memphis Van Vleet Memorial Doctoral Award (Higher Funding) in the USA

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
those students, you may learn about and then apply for the Van Vleet Memorial Doctoral Award. The application period is now open, and interested and eligible candidates can submit their applications. The award is available at the University of Memphis. The students should learn all relevant details and then submit their applications. Details of the available and open The University of Memphis Van Vleet Memorial Doctoral Award are mentioned next in the post. (more…)
Glasgow-Singapore Joint PhD Scholarships – PhD Program in Scotland and Singapore (Funded)

Glasgow-Singapore Joint PhD Scholarships – PhD Program in Scotland and Singapore (Funded)

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
For those students who wish to apply for the joint PhD programs abroad, there is a giant opportunity that is also laced with funding. The most important part about this fantastic opportunity is that it allows you to study in two countries – Scotland and Singapore. Doesn’t it sound like a ‘wow’? You may also consider it one of the best PhD scholarships abroad for your bright and big career moves. The joint opportunity program is offered none other than by the University of Glasgow. If you think this is the opportunity you have been seeking for you, then let’s find out more details regarding Glasgow-Singapore Joint PhD Scholarships next in this post. (more…)
Imperial College London President’s PhD Scholarships (Full Funding, Stipend & More)

Imperial College London President’s PhD Scholarships (Full Funding, Stipend & More)

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Are you searching for doctoral scholarships, and do you want the same in the United Kingdom? Does your search involve funding for your PhD degree? Do you want to do the PhD program at the world's top-level and most prestigious university/institution and the UK? If ‘yes’ happens to be your answer, then it is the time to witness the best opportunity laced with giant funding for your PhD study program in the UK. It is offered by none other than Imperial College London. Does it attract you? If yes, then let’s find out the complete details regarding the Imperial College London President’s PhD Scholarships – the available research degree open for applications. (more…)
University of Melbourne PhD Write-up Award 2024 in Australia (Attractive Financial Benefits) for All Nationalities

University of Melbourne PhD Write-up Award 2024 in Australia (Attractive Financial Benefits) for All Nationalities

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Are you seeking research abroad programs and the same you want in Australia, then there is a massive opportunity available in Australia at the most prestigious and higher-ranked university. There is no doubt that Australia is world-renowned for the quality of its own research and its work with scientists in other countries. Australia is a world leader in numerous educational fields. Each institute excels in the quality of education. If your search is for a doctor degree (doctorate degree) in Australia at the leading higher education institute, again, Australia happens to be the best option. The University of Melbourne offers the available opportunity. If interested, let’s now dig into the details of the University of Melbourne PhD Write-up Award 2024 in the next lines. (more…)
Honjo International Foundation Scholarship for International Students for Master’s and PhD Degrees in Japan (Get Monthly Funding for Your Entire Study)

Honjo International Foundation Scholarship for International Students for Master’s and PhD Degrees in Japan (Get Monthly Funding for Your Entire Study)

Scholarships, Scholarships for Masters Programs, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Have you been passionate about studying in Japan? Are you the one who wants Japan as your study destination for your higher study? Do you want to get a scholarship or funding for your studies there? If all of the above questions land with the answer ‘yes’, then it is time to witness the best available opportunity for your study goals in Japan. This is undoubtedly the best scholarship for foreign students in Japan, and you may avail of the same if you meet the eligibility criteria. Let’s now dip into the details to learn everything regarding the opportunity – Honjo International Foundation Scholarship for International Students ahead in the post. (more…)
Doctorate Research Scholarships Announced by Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT) in Australia

Doctorate Research Scholarships Announced by Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT) in Australia

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Those looking for doctorate scholarships abroad because of their desire to do a doctorate in a foreign land have an opportunity packed with supreme benefits to lure them to Australia. The open and available opportunity is offered none other than by the Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT) – the most prominent engineering and technology education and training provider in Australia. Doctorate research scholarships are available for which the applications are invited. If you are interested in applying, you should learn all the details about the EIT Doctorate Research Scholarship ahead in this article. (more…)
Fully Funded PhD Studentship at the University of Cambridge (UK) – Applications are Invited

Fully Funded PhD Studentship at the University of Cambridge (UK) – Applications are Invited

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Are you looking for PhD studentships abroad and your focus is the United Kingdom? Besides, if you want to do the studentship at none other than the world’s top, supremely higher-ranked, and tremendously world-renowned university, then you now need to take a sigh of relief and fasten your belts to witness the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The University of Cambridge invites applications for a PhD studentship from qualified candidates. If interested, you should then grab all the details about the University of Cambridge PhD Studentship next in this post. (more…)
University of Trento Doctoral Scholarships in Italy (Fully Funded) for All international and Italian Students

University of Trento Doctoral Scholarships in Italy (Fully Funded) for All international and Italian Students

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
For international students who want information on study in Italy scholarships, there is big news that fully funded PhD programs are available in Italy at the most prestigious and renowned university. Doctorates are the highest qualifications conferred by the Italian university system. Therefore, there is a giant fully funded doctorate program opportunity offered none other than by the University of Trento. Doctoral programs for the academic year 2024-2025 (cycle 40) at the University of Trento are announced. Let’s now fetch the details about the University of Trento Doctoral Scholarships open now for applications. (more…)
McCaughey Memorial Institute PhD Scholarship at the University of Sydney in Australia (Handsome Funding)

McCaughey Memorial Institute PhD Scholarship at the University of Sydney in Australia (Handsome Funding)

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Without any doubt, one can say that the University of Sydney is among the best and top-rated universities in the world. It is among the best universities in the world and every year, a horde of students pack their bags to study there in Australia. The university is rated high and famous for its educational quality and research activities. Researchers in particular find the University of Sydney the best source for their research education. If you are on your way to finding a research scholarship for your PhD endeavors, let’s then find out the details regarding The McCaughey Memorial Institute PhD Scholarship available at the university. (more…)
Cyprus International University Scholarships for International Students for Undergraduate, Masters & PhD Programs (Various Opportunities Available)

Cyprus International University Scholarships for International Students for Undergraduate, Masters & PhD Programs (Various Opportunities Available)

Scholarships, Scholarships for Bachelors Programs, Scholarships for Masters Programs, Scholarships for PhD Programs
A big majority of international students head to Cyprus for their educational goals to earn higher education. From all parts of the world, the students come to Cyprus to attend the universities there. Cyprus universities are undoubtedly reputed and hold values for international students for many valid reasons. For the common question – Is Cyprus a good place to study, the answer is ‘yes’. It is a popular destination for a variety of students because of the reasonable cost of studying, living, and English-taught study programs. If you would like to study there at a Cyprus university, there is an exciting opportunity available for applications. Let’s learn the details about the Cyprus International University Scholarships for International Students ahead in this article. (more…)...
Sultan Qaboos University Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies to Study in Oman (Full Scholarships)

Sultan Qaboos University Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies to Study in Oman (Full Scholarships)

Scholarships, Scholarships for Masters Programs, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Those who are on their way to finding the best scholarships for postgraduate studies and if you are the one who would like to study at the top-rated university in the Middle East. Your passion and wish are now all set to happen. There is a big opportunity with funding availability to study in Oman since the study opportunity is available in Oman. The university in discussion has a mammoth repute not only in the Middle East but also around the globe, as it is famous for its quality education and research activities. Let’s now learn the details about the available opportunity - Sultan Qaboos University scholarships for postgraduate studies. You may check the details ahead in the article. (more…)
University of Cambridge CERF Scholarship Competition 2024 in the UK (Attractive Funding & Stipend)

University of Cambridge CERF Scholarship Competition 2024 in the UK (Attractive Funding & Stipend)

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Every other student of the world dreams of studying at the world’s most renowned, top-most university – the University of Cambridge. There is a massive opportunity available there to fetch. It is a public collegiate research university located in Cambridge (the UK). The university was founded in 1209 and is the world’s third-oldest university in continuous operation. The University of Cambridge ranking is 2nd by the QS World University Ranking. The available opportunity is named the University of Cambridge CERF Scholarship Competition 2024 and is open for applications. (more…)
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships 2024 (Ireland Government Scholarships) for International Students – Attractive Funding Availability

Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships 2024 (Ireland Government Scholarships) for International Students – Attractive Funding Availability

Scholarships, Scholarships for Masters Programs, Scholarships for PhD Programs
If you plan to study in Ireland, well, without any doubt it is the best decision of your life and career. There is no second thought about the importance of quality education delivered in Ireland, as the country is the best option to enroll in your selected study programs. The standard of education is supremely high and the country is recognized worldwide for its brilliant educational standards, employers, and industry for its skilled and highly educated young people. Thus, if you want your education at any of the Irish universities, there is a giant opportunity for which all international students wait each year – the Ireland Government Scholarship. Let’s dig out detailed information about the Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships 2024 ahead. (more…)
GSSP PhD Scholarships 2024 By DAAD Offered in Germany with Attractive Funding

GSSP PhD Scholarships 2024 By DAAD Offered in Germany with Attractive Funding

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Supported by DAAD (The German Academic Exchange Service), The Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP) at the Abbe School of Photonics invites applications for a PhD program from talented and ambitious students to get on board on a transformative journey in the area of Photonics. GSSP PhD Scholarships 2024 happens to be an outstanding opportunity for aspiring scholars to start their PhD degree in Germany set to commence in the summer or autumn of 2024. (more…)
University of Surrey and Hong Kong Polytechnic University Dual PhD Studentships with Very Attractive Funding Availability in the UK & Hong Kong

University of Surrey and Hong Kong Polytechnic University Dual PhD Studentships with Very Attractive Funding Availability in the UK & Hong Kong

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
The application period is going on for the dual PhD studentship program. The University of Surrey’s School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SHTM), which is located in Guildford in the United Kingdom, is pleased to make an announcement of the 2nd round of the dual PhD studentship competition in partnership with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to exceptional PhD (doctorate) students who will be commencing their doctorate degree (PhD) in October 2024. If you are interested in this opportunity, you may then read the details about the University of Surrey and Hong Kong Polytechnic University Dual PhD Studentship. Let’s now find out the details. (more…)
HEC Paris PhD Program in France (Applications are Invited) – Higher Funding Offered & Other Financing Options are Available

HEC Paris PhD Program in France (Applications are Invited) – Higher Funding Offered & Other Financing Options are Available

Scholarships, Scholarships for PhD Programs
Are you seeking a PhD in France? Do you want to do your PhD degree from a well-reputed and higher-ranked university or institution located in Europe? Are you searching for the best doctorate degrees from European countries? If the answers to these questions appear to be ‘yes’, then you need to focus on an announced opportunity in Paris (France). There is an opportunity called the HEC Paris PhD Program that now invites applications from international applicants. If that interests you, you should then go through the details to move with your application. (more…)